quarta-feira, 1 de abril de 2009

Post-Doctoral position at the UMR5241 CNRS UPS, Toulouse, France

A two-year post-doctoral position is available in the group “adipose tissue plasticity” of the UMR5241, Toulouse, France.

The project is financed by the French “Agence Nationale pour la Recherche” (ANR). It consists of studying the relationships between hematopoietic cells and adipose tissue. Indeed, we and others have shown that adipose tissue contains numerous immune cells and that adipose development is associated with modifications of inflammatory status and immune cell content. Therefore, the general goal of the project is to determine in what extent adipose tissue could constitute a niche for hematopoietic cells, and through which physiological and cellular mechanisms, inflammatory and hematopoietic cells influence the adipose tissue biology or vice versa.

 The position available is ideally suited to a highly motivated and energetic individual who is keen to work in the context of a tight collaboration with the different teams involved. The successful candidate will perform both in vitro and in vivo experiments and will have to conduct the research project under limited supervision.
Candidates must have a PhD degree and strong expertise in flow cytometry, cell biology, as well as organ or cell transplantation. A background in immunology and physiology is recommended. 
The position is available June 1, 2009 with funding for a qualified candidate for 2 years. Interested candidates should send a CV including a description of research experience(s) and the names of three professional references to Béatrice Cousin :